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Ateliê - Arte com Amor
Phone Number: +5538998026125 , 38998026125
Website: Suggest Official Website
Categories: Art Gallery
Opening Hours:
Where is it located?
(GPS Coordinates)
Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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List of nearest hotels:
Lessa Hotel three stars hotel located at Rua Padre Augusto, 619, 146 meters west.
Dimas Lessa Hotel five stars hotel located at Rua Pires e Albuquerque, 291 - Centro, 173 meters southwest.
Nobre Hotel three stars hotel located at Rua Padre Augusto, 551, 233 meters west.
Hotel Monte Rey five stars hotel located at Rua Dom Pedro II, 411, 381 meters west.
Hotel Real three stars hotel located at R. Barão do Rio Branco, 110 - Centro, 491 meters southwest.
Hotel Minas Brasil located at Rua Padre Augusto, 237, 541 meters west.
Dupere Hotéis located at R. Silvio Teixeira, 402 - São José, 620 meters north.
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